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2025 Light Mandala.jpg

Dear all,

I invite you to join me in co-creating a gift to support all of us in the year to come:


Towards the end of each year, for quite a while now, I've been given a word to describe the main energy for the year to come, and the word that I received for 2025 is "TRUTH".

This speaks of the truth being exposed in many ways and at many levels, and it all starts with us.

2025 is bringing out our true nature, our true desires, our true emotions, our true families and tribes, our true purpose, the true colours of our Souls.

2025 promises to be profoundly liberating and to bring us back home and back to ourselves, however it's up to us to embrace its highly transformative energy as a natural conclusion of all the intensive work that we all did over the past years, or to try to fight it and cling to what we know.

Either way, our journey will be a lot smoother if we feel supported, which is why I felt that I should be listening to my guidance about bringing out this mandala co-creation game.

I call it a game, because it's meant to be fun and enjoyable for those who choose to participate, and it is also really simple:

Each of us is invited to fill in at least one part of the mandala, with the intention of transferring into their drawing a stream of energy that will benefit the Human Collective, the Earth and all its  Living Beings in 2025. 

If you wish to join, you can download one or both of the mandala slices below and email to me pictures of them filled in as you feel guided, by the first Full Moon of the 2025 (also known as the Wolf Moon), which will occur on Monday, the 13th of January.

You are welcome to utilise any technique that you wish, any colours, any pens, and it can be as simple or as complicated as you wish, as long as it feels TRUE to you. If you wish to add Light Language to it, please do, however know that this is not a requirement.

Please make sure though that your pictures are straight, clear and with decent resolution, so that they can properly reflect your work.

I'll piece together all the slices received and, depending on their number, I'll create one or several TOGETHERNESS LIGHT MANDALAS and publish them on my website and social media platforms by the first New Moon of 2025, on 29th of January, together with a collective reading based on the energies contained within.

I've very grateful to everyone joining in and I'm expecting the results to be amazing, as we are coming together to bring to ourselves THE GIFT OF LOVE, SUPPORT, HEALING AND BEAUTY.

Thank you and may we all have a great year ahead!

Much love to all, 

Namura x

Please click on the images below to download them in JPG format:

(NB Both images are saved with the same resolution and they will download as equal in size.

Also, purely for technical reasons, the downloads will come as ZIP files, containing the JPGs.)

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