My journey began as I was a child, when I realised that I was able to perceive the Spirit world and communicate with it, which has enabled me to understand and believe that there is more to our world than meets the eye.
Back then (before the age of Internet) there was very little information available on these subjects, therefore my Spirit Guides have been my first teachers, leading me with love and wisdom to explore my world, my abilities and the unseen. I was effectively attending 'classes' in the higher dimensions and learning through experiencing first hand the infinite realms of energy, while also being given information on how to engage with it in a safe and helpful way. This was all very fascinating for me and it also made me feel comfortable enough to make me want to further explore this path. It has basically set up a solid foundation for my further development, which unfolded naturally from there on.
Growing up, I started attending various spiritual and psychic development workshops and classes, which allowed me to learn more and also gave me a chance to practice and fine tune my abilities. Among these, I've got trained as an energy healer practitioner through the Angelic Reiki Association and I also took Archangel Life Coaching and Mediumship classes (by Charles Virtue).
All in all, I have come across a number of wonderful people who helped me and inspired me in my journey and to whom I am endlessly grateful.
In parallel, I studied architecture, which I've been practicing both in Romania (my natal country) and UK. This offered me the chance to gain an understanding of geometry and explore how things get designed and how they function in the physical world, which kept me grounded and led me to develop a quite "technical", metaphysical approach to spirituality and the Universe.
During all this time, I knew that the only right way to be a Light Worker is by being able to express myself with authenticity and without fear. Of course, this involves a continuous process of healing and self development, which I now consider to be my priority at all times.
In the past years, as the Earth has progressively shifted vibration and it became clear that as people are starting to awaken, many of them are going to be in need of healing and guidance, I have been driven to dedicate a lot more of my time and energy to being of service in a more practical and applied way, which is why I decided to set up Namura's World. The name Namura came to me many years ago in one of my journeys through the Spirit world and it is in itself a Light Sequence which is encoding the frequency of my Higher Self in its pure state, so using it for my practice felt right.
To support my work, I have more recently joined the BCMA (The British Complementary Medicine Association) and The Healer Foundation, while also being fully insured for offering Angelic Reiki.
I find working with other people extremely inspiring, as everyone is going through an unique journey, which holds endless lessons. I am continuously in awe to discover the beauty and power that lies in each and every one of us and I am very grateful to everyone who is willing to open their Heart and to allow their inner Light to shine and play their part as Creator of the New Earth.
I welcome everyone who is willing to make a commitment to their own Truth with open arms and I'm looking forward to walking alongside you in this amazing journey! Thank you for your Presence!
Much love to all,
Namura x
I invite you to listen to this Podcast from the series "Shine your Light with Diana", where I talk a bit about myself, a bit about Light Language (including a transmission at the end) and I'm also relaying some of the insights and guidance that I have received from Spirit at various times in my life.
I also had the oportunity to be interviewed by MysticMag, and you can read the article here.
You can also find interviews on their Blog page with many other therapists, talking about their experiences and the various services that they are offering, which can be quite insightful.